Sweet Potato Sarang....

salam annyeong...the weather a bit windy, but i like...hehehe...
sweet potato oh sweet potato kenapalah suka sangat makan sweet potato nih..padahal banyak lagi benda lain yang boleh dimakan...nak buat macam mana hati dah berkenan...
anyway...sweet potato is my favorite, you can give me a bucket of sweet potato as present and i will smile all day long...hhaha
people may think that i am crazy, but i don't care...just ignore it....
why don't you try to eat sweet potato...kamu pasti suka
steam or baked sweet potato is delicious eat with kimchi...the combination of sweetness and spiciness make  me smile..=)
sweet potato...saranghae
that all for my sweet potato sarang
now time to say annyeong...

 source: google.com


cik najah said…
baru je lepas mentedarah kuih keria <-----out topic ;D
Ija said…
..kuih keria pun sedap =)

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